– Dispatcher for distributed LDA¶Dispatcher process which orchestrates distributed Latent Dirichlet Allocation
(LDA, LdaModel
) computations.
Run this script only once, on any node in your cluster.
The dispatcher expects to find worker scripts already running. Make sure you run as many workers as you like on your machines before launching the dispatcher.
¶Install needed dependencies (Pyro4)
pip install gensim[distributed]
Setup serialization (on each machine)
export PYRO_SERIALIZER=pickle
Run nameserver
python -m Pyro4.naming -n &
Run workers (on each machine)
python -m gensim.models.lda_worker &
Run dispatcher
python -m gensim.models.lda_dispatcher &
Run LdaModel
in distributed mode :
>>> from gensim.test.utils import common_corpus, common_dictionary
>>> from gensim.models import LdaModel
>>> model = LdaModel(common_corpus, id2word=common_dictionary, distributed=True)
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--maxsize MAXSIZE How many jobs (=chunks of N documents) to keep 'pre-fetched' in a queue (default: 10)
--host HOST Nameserver hostname (default: None)
--port PORT Nameserver port (default: None)
--no-broadcast Disable broadcast (default: True)
--hmac HMAC Nameserver hmac key (default: None)
-v, --verbose Verbose flag
(maxsize=10, ns_conf=None)¶Dispatcher object that communicates and coordinates individual workers.
There should never be more than one dispatcher running at any one time.
Partly initializes the dispatcher.
A full initialization (including initialization of the workers) requires a call to
maxsize (int, optional) – Maximum number of jobs to be kept pre-fetched in the queue.
ns_conf (dict of (str, object)) – Sets up the name server configuration for the pyro daemon server of dispatcher. This also helps to keep track of your objects in your network by using logical object names instead of exact object name(or id) and its location.
()¶Terminate all registered workers and then the dispatcher.
(worker_id)¶Atomically pop a job from the queue.
worker_id (int) – The worker that requested the job.
The corpus in BoW format.
iterable of list of (int, float)
()¶Merge states from across all workers and return the result.
Merged resultant state
()¶Return pyro URIs of all registered workers.
The pyro URIs for each worker.
list of URIs
(**model_params)¶Fully initialize the dispatcher and all its workers.
**model_params – Keyword parameters used to initialize individual workers, see LdaModel
RuntimeError – When no workers are found (the gensim.models.lda_worker
script must be ran beforehand).
(workerid)¶A worker has finished its job. Log this event and then asynchronously transfer control back to the worker.
Callback used by workers to notify when their job is done.
The job done event is logged and then control is asynchronously transfered back to the worker
(who can then request another job). In this way, control flow basically oscillates between
and gensim.models.lda_worker.Worker.requestjob()
workerid (int) – The ID of the worker that finished the job (used for logging).
()¶Wrap _jobsdone
needed for remote access through proxies.
Number of jobs already completed.
(job)¶Atomically add a job to the queue.
job (iterable of list of (int, float)) – The corpus in BoW format.