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models._fasttext_bin – Facebook I/O

models._fasttext_bin – Facebook I/O

Load models from the native binary format released by Facebook.

The main entry point is the load() function. It returns a Model namedtuple containing everything loaded from the binary.


Load a model from a binary file:

>>> from gensim.test.utils import datapath
>>> from gensim.models.fasttext_bin import load
>>> with open(datapath('crime-and-punishment.bin'), 'rb') as fin:
...     model = load(fin)
>>> model.nwords
>>> model.vectors_ngrams.shape
(391, 5)
>>> sorted(model.raw_vocab, key=lambda w: len(w), reverse=True)[:5]
['останавливаться', 'изворачиваться,', 'раздражительном', 'exceptionally', 'проскользнуть']

See also

FB Implementation.

class gensim.models._fasttext_bin.Model(bucket, dim, epoch, hidden_output, loss, maxn, min_count, minn, model, neg, nwords, raw_vocab, t, vectors_ngrams, vocab_size, ws)

Bases: tuple

Holds data loaded from the Facebook binary.

  • dim (int) – The dimensionality of the vectors.

  • ws (int) – The window size.

  • epoch (int) – The number of training epochs.

  • neg (int) – If non-zero, indicates that the model uses negative sampling.

  • loss (int) – If equal to 1, indicates that the model uses hierarchical sampling.

  • model (int) – If equal to 2, indicates that the model uses skip-grams.

  • bucket (int) – The number of buckets.

  • min_count (int) – The threshold below which the model ignores terms.

  • t (float) – The sample threshold.

  • minn (int) – The minimum ngram length.

  • maxn (int) – The maximum ngram length.

  • raw_vocab (collections.OrderedDict) – A map from words (str) to their frequency (int). The order in the dict corresponds to the order of the words in the Facebook binary.

  • nwords (int) – The number of words.

  • vocab_size (int) – The size of the vocabulary.

  • vectors_ngrams (numpy.array) – This is a matrix that contains vectors learned by the model. Each row corresponds to a vector. The number of vectors is equal to the number of words plus the number of buckets. The number of columns is equal to the vector dimensionality.

  • hidden_output (numpy.array) – This is a matrix that contains the shallow neural network output. This array has the same dimensions as vectors_ngrams. May be None - in that case, it is impossible to continue training the model.


Return self[key].

property bucket

Alias for field number 0

count(value) → integer -- return number of occurrences of value
property dim

Alias for field number 1

property epoch

Alias for field number 2

property hidden_output

Alias for field number 3

index(value[, start[, stop]]) → integer -- return first index of value.

Raises ValueError if the value is not present.

property loss

Alias for field number 4

property maxn

Alias for field number 5

property min_count

Alias for field number 6

property minn

Alias for field number 7

property model

Alias for field number 8

property neg

Alias for field number 9

property nwords

Alias for field number 10

property raw_vocab

Alias for field number 11

property t

Alias for field number 12

property vectors_ngrams

Alias for field number 13

property vocab_size

Alias for field number 14

property ws

Alias for field number 15

gensim.models._fasttext_bin.load(fin, encoding='utf-8', full_model=True)

Load a model from a binary stream.

  • fin (file) – The readable binary stream.

  • encoding (str, optional) – The encoding to use for decoding text

  • full_model (boolean, optional) – If False, skips loading the hidden output matrix. This saves a fair bit of CPU time and RAM, but prevents training continuation.


The loaded model.

Return type
